Anything helps. I am not trying to pan-handle. All profits go towards the family trip.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Getting Sick

Carey is sick and I can feel myself getting it too. I guess that means I won't want to do anything tomorrow, so I can get a lot of school work done. Because the weather was a little bit nicer than yesterday, I went for a super long run and tried fishing again. The fishing ended with a broken line and 0 catches. I think retirement is in the near future fore me. I know that I haven't uploaded photos in a while and I still need to put together that video. I don't want to put photos up until I have more than a few. Once I get some more pictures, I will definitely put them up. About the video, I haven't gotten around to it because I need to get caught up for school. I will try to make it as soon as possible. Hopefully the school won't take too long.

Day 29


  1. Howdy,

    Sounds like you guys are settling in to NZ. I don't expect you to retire from fishing until you find someone who will take you fly fishing. It is supposed to be amazing there. Make a friend and see what you can do.

    Keep on posting...

  2. Hey Declan,

    Don't know if you guys know this but the site is down. Let you parents know.


  3. Yeah, my parents are trying to fix it, but don't know what to do. We told Uncle Jim. Thanks.
