Anything helps. I am not trying to pan-handle. All profits go towards the family trip.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Day 92

We are starting to settle into the house we're sitting. We have been taking it easy and doing homework mostly because of the heat. It is CRAZY hot. It is hard to do anything except swim. There is a nearby pool that I think we might start going to. There is also a skatepark nearby that Carey and I checked out. It isn't very good but is better than nothing. There are more parks a little bit farther away that we might look for on a cooler day. The best way to deal with the heat is cold showers and naps. We are right under the hole in the ozone, so the sun is pretty brutal. You can't spent too much time outside during the noon hours. Here is a random photo because I don't have much to talk about.

This is a high exposure photo that I took during a big lightning storm in Port Douglas. The lightning was the brightest that I had ever seen (Daytime would occur when it would strike). It is blurry because I took it in a car ride, but you can really see how bright It was. This was taken in the middle of the night.


  1. Not as close as you think. You are 5000 miles away from the center of the ozone hole.

    Stay away from the box jellies!

  2. Thanks for the info Uncle Wayne, and it is pretty rad Tim
