Anything helps. I am not trying to pan-handle. All profits go towards the family trip.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 89

We have had no wifi! I haven't been able to post for the past week or so because we have been moving around a lot and without internet. We made it successfully to Cairns and stayed there for a couple of days. It was really nice and they had the nicest skate park that Carey and I have been to. It is the biggest park in Australia! We have done a lot of swimming, but not in the ocean due to crocs, sharks, and jellyfish. After Cairns, we went to Port Douglas and stayed for a couple of days while going on hikes and to zoos. My favorite thing so far was hand-feeding kangaroos. We saw a lot of different animals in the wild and in captivity. We pulled an all-nighter driving to Mackay from Port Douglas last night. Now we are going to stay here (in Mackay) housesitting for a month. Here are a couple of photos to make up for the lack of posting:

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